Really Retired

Retirement is the ultimate goal!



MO-23475_706060_300X250_Banner1_R1 BEST COUPON SHOPPING EVER!
I’ve been shopping and coupon clipping for over 30 years.  This is the best Coupon combination I have found yet. 
With over 365 coupons offered, there’s never enough time to click and clip them all.  So I just do my regular shopping list, which isn’t very large these days, and go to my Coupons on-line, search for what I’m buying, click and print.  Off to the store I go(only once a week).  
Now don’t get confused with my routine.  I still look at the papers I get in the mail to see what’s on sale.   Then I combine the sales with my coupons. 
Seriously, some of the items are less than 50 cents when the Cashier finish.  Amazing!
When these Coupons was first introduced to me, it was puzzling and strange and I simply couldn’t believe there was one place where I could look at everything. 
Searching different sites and newspapers was too time-consuming so many times I just gave up and paid regular prices.
Then I met a lady, total stranger in Walmart, who asked me if I drank Propel flavored Water.  Well I didn’t but told her that my Grandkids would and it may be good for them because it was water!  This complete stranger gave me a coupon for $2.00 off a 12-pack, 16-oz Propel, Black Cherry flavored water. 
Normally I don’t splurge on flavored water, however the 12 pack was originally $4.99 for 12 bottles with a sale of $2.00 off and this complete stranger gave me a $2.00 off coupon.  Yes, that’s right! 
I put the only 12-pack left in my cart, finished talking to her, and headed for the check-out with a grin.  Why?  Because I had just bought a $4.99 12-pack of water for $.99 cents!  Can you beat that?  Quick shops cost more than that for one.  I was sold!
Well after that I received an email about Coupons (not from the stranger in Walmart) but from just an emailer sharing.  And that’s where my venture really began. 
As skeptical as I am about opening strange emails, I did and it was a Godsend.  365 coupons in one place!  Are you kidding!  What’s better? 
I immediately shared it with an old co-worker I nicknamed ‘Coupon Katie’.   She was always clipping paper coupons in the Office. 
Yes, she collected a few people’s Sunday Washington Posts sales papers on Monday and clipped.  She had a system that was unbelievable, totally organized that kept her pantry full.  I tried her system for a few weeks and gave up.  Too much time away from my regular life, not to mention work. 
Clipping newspaper grocery coupons from ad inserts is a thing of the past.
Now I just click and print. 
Its just simplier for me since I’m at my laptop a lot anyway.  Best way to stay organized.  You don’t have to visit all those websites that promote coupons and have to register at each one.  I registered once, and that was it. 
I get those Coupons in my mailbox whenever they add or have updates. 
Simple, easy, done!

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This entry was posted on August 29, 2014 by in FAMILY, SHOPPING and tagged , , , , .

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Really Retired

Retirement is the ultimate goal!


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